601 Longstaff Street
Missoula, MT
After a cancelled show due to injury and another due to Covid, the Two Bit Jug Band is finally coming from Spokane.
There Ain’t Nobody Like Those Guys! …. Papa John Gilroy (1904-1973) Take it from Papa John, the 2 Bit Jug Band is one of a kind! Ken Glastre knows how to deliver those old bluesy, jazzy tunes ….. with a Bit of Fun! His finger-picking guitar playing is powerful & dazzling, his vocal story-telling memorable & entertaining. “Where do you get those songs?”, asked of Ken at a recent performance. “The garbage can!”, his response. (Think of their songs as those that others have thrown away or forgotten.) Playing the bass line is Gut Bucket Giff (that’s Michael Gifford) …. masterfully! His washtub bass sounds great, his jug juicy (that’s a good thing), his tuba fat! With his kazoo, cornet & strong harmony vocals, he’s a versatile fellow, another Bit of Fun! Their songs have roots in old blues and jazz from 1920s to the 40s, even several from the 50s and 60s! They cover universal themes – food songs, sad love songs, happy love songs, and other stuff songs. Add it all up … you got the 2 BIT JUG BAND! Recently added to the 2BJB collection on YouTube are: Buffalo Skinners; Don’t Go Reachin’ Across My Plate; Beedle Um Bum; Stealin’; Honey, It Must Be Love; Ukulele Lady; Somebody Stole My Gal