601 Longstaff Street
Terry Robb is hailed as one of the finest acoustic guitarists on the international scene and a virtuoso of acoustic blues guitar. His signature fingerpicking style landed him in the Oregon Music Hall of Fame and earned him international acclaim from worldwide audiences, esteemed music critics and his distinguished peers. In his latest album Confessin My Dues, Robb draws on his deep knowledge of Delta blues, ragtime and swing in 13 original compositions ranging from blistering instrumental blues and stunning ragtime fingerpicking to soulful singing backed by a powerhouse rhythm section. From country blues to Coltrane, ragtime to Hendrix, Americana to American Primitivism, Confessin’ My Dues will captivate listeners with its melodic and rhythmic invention and musical virtuosity. “Confessin’ My Dues is yet another example of Terry Robb doing what he does best – leaving us with a sense of awe and joy with every note he plays. It’s a winning formula that continues to lead the pack.” – Cascade Blues Association
WEBSITE: http://www.terryrobb.com/
WIKIPEDIA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Robb
HIGH-RES PHOTOS: http://bit.ly/TerryRobbPromoPhotos
- Solo Medley: “How A Free Man Feels” (acoustic guitar and vocals) & “Butch Holler Stomp” (instrumental acoustic guitar): http://bit.ly/ConfessinMyDuesSoloMedley
- “Judge Boushay Blues” (slide guitar and vocals): http://bit.ly/TR-JudgeBoushayBlues
“Cool On The Bloom” exclusive for Vintage Guitar Magazine (instrumental acoustic guitar): http://bit.ly/TerryRobbVintageGuitarVideo