601 Longstaff Street
Missoula, MT
Melissa Carper is in the area for the Red Ants Pants Festival and is coming with her band to play Longstaff House. Please check out her music. This is beautiful, sincere country music, closer to bluegrass or mountain music that is coming from Nashville today. Anyone inspired by Ralph Stanley is welcome here any day.
“I don’t think you can get this sound unless it’s borned in ya,” said bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley, when asked about what he called “old-time mountain music.” When Melissa Carper heard those words, something jumped inside her. While staying in the country with a friend, she found an old DVD of Down From the Mountain, the documentary and concert film of the “O, Brother Where Art Thou” soundtrack that featured this particular Stanley interview. She immediately jotted down “borned in ya” on a piece of paper. “I knew I had to write that song,” she recalls.