Colorado’s FY5 proudly swim in the deep currents of American music, playing new songs, well-informed of country and bluegrass traditions, but not bound to them. Featuring thoughtful arrangements, strong singing and musicianship, the band strives to connect to listeners with stories of common struggles and big ideas. While their sound evokes timelessness, it is decidedly contemporary, well-traveled 21st century sensibility that informs their songwriting.
As they share the stories that drive the songs, FY5’s show leaves listeners certainly with tapping toes, but ranging thoughts as well. FY5 recently released their 4th full-length album on January 3rd, 2018, The Way These Things Go, featuring their trademark story songs, clever arranging, and catchy hooks. The band was selected as official showcase artists for the 2017 International Bluegrass Music Association conference including a songwriter showcase with Mike Finders.
“FY5 brings us a self-assured vision of American music, rooted in tradition, but pointing to new creative directions that make it vital and relevant in today’s modern world.” – Crista Munro, Pagosa Folk & Bluegrass
“…are able to explore a range of emotions with their evocative story telling which when added to the quality of the lyrics, melodies and playing leaves you with an album that more than repays repeated listening sessions.” – American Roots UK
“Eat The Moon, their third release, is one of those albums that begs to be played under a summer sun, cool drink to hand while the day lazes away as their strings and things bob and weave around.” – Paul Kerr, Folk Radio UK